Sloane 1975
actual play, arden vul, Old School Essentials

Arden Vul Open Table: Session 7

New Friends and Dark Places Day: 9,  Mo/Yr: 4/12, 2993[AEP] irl: Feb 22nd, 2025 Session 7 Scribe:  Saracor (Alexos) GM: Evil Tables Players Broken Head Incapacitated(for 6? days) Alexos [Cleric 2] SaracorMeric [Thief 3] ShadowfaxAgoston [Magic-U 2] dcterraGrim [Dwarf 2] Big_PunBelaros [Fight 1] DeViateFeathers [Thief 3] jdsullNPC:Brunwolf* [Torchbearer]  Gemistos [Magic-U] LuminanceHerakleon [Scolar 1]Syagria [Fighter 2]NPC:Lankios […]

northern strata

B2: The Caves of Intensity

Introduction A 200’ high cliff along the coastline hides a series of damp caves. The higher up parts are encrusted with old snow. The ground covered in pear-sized rocks and orange lichens. A hawk circles up above. There is an oppressive feeling here – wet and warm, as if something is inhaling and exhaling. Closer

Visions of the night.
actual play, arden vul, Old School Essentials

Arden Vul Open Table: Session 6

5-1 Victory in the Bone-Bowl (Rest well, Hektor. Steel and honor guide you beyond) Day: 8,  Mo/Yr: 4/12, 2993[AEP] irl: Feb 16th, 2025 Session 6 Scribe:  Meric (Shadowfax) GM: EvilTables The Original Party: jdsull dcterra Shadowfax deViate Saracor Zondervain ☠ Killed by a pack of Skeleton Baboons Added: Saracor Alexos [Cleric]  Kronos moves us from

actual play, arden vul, Old School Essentials

Arden Vul Open Table: Session 5

Path of the Departed: A new entrance, temple and catacombs Day: 7,  Mo/Yr: 4/12 IRL: Feb 8th, 2025 Scribe:  Hektor (Saracor) Players Broken Head Incapacitated(for 6? days) Hektor [Fighter]  SaracorMeric [Thief] ShadowfaxGrim [Dwarf] Big_PunAgoston [Magic-U] DCBelaros [Fighter] DevVateNPC:Brunwolf* [Torchbearer]  Feathers [Thief]  JdsullGemistos [Magic-U] LuminanceNPC:Lankios [Retired paladin]Khronos and Estelle [Keepers] Salvatore [Cleric] JdsullMikeleos [Druid] Saracor Adventure

northern strata, random tables

The Northern Strata: Wilderness Encounters

The Wilderness Topography: rather than distinct regions, the ephemeral boundaries between things are held in place only through the territorialization of plants and animals.  Snow cover typically lasts 8 months of the year, with nearly year long snow in the mountains. Travel Methods Travel Methods Terrain type Speed – Hexes/day Load (lbs) Cost (gp) Crew

Lady fleeing knight

The Paradox of Low Prep Games

Most Referees I know have experienced the feeling of not preparing for a game due to real life time constraints, only for the game to go unexpectedly well. I don’t think this means that preparation is bad, or that one should never prepare for games in advance. But I don’t think this phenomenon is just

actual play, arden vul, Old School Essentials

Arden Vul Open Table: Session 4

Dungeon potpourri: Crawlers, Bats, Boots, Grills, Glass, Maps, Scrolls & Keys Day: 6,  Mo/Yr: 4/12 IRL: Feb 1st, 2025 GM: Evil Tables Players Broken Head Incapacitated(for 6? days) Feathers [Thief]  JdsullMeric [Thief] ShadowfaxGrim [Fighter] Big_Pun Agoston [Magic-U] DCNPC:Brunwolf* [Torchbearer]  Hektor [Fighter] SaracorGemistos [Magic-U] LuminanceNPC:Lankios [Retired paladin]Khronos and Estelle [Keepers] Salvatore [Cleric] JdsullMikeleos [Druid] Saracor Adventure

actual play, arden vul, Old School Essentials

Arden Vul Open Table: Session 3

Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables January 26th, 2025 GM: Evil Tables Players:  Brunwolf* (Torchbearer)Salvatore (Jdsull) (Cleric)Feathers (Jdsull) (ThiefMeric (Shadowfax) (ThiefHektor (Saracor) (FighterMikeleos (Saracor) (Druid) Gemistos (Luminance) (Magic-UserDescription:  Rumors:  Khronos tells Gemistos that “Hurie, the echophant, is a ghost that’s been haunting people in the dungeon. The ghost reacts to loud noises by attacking people with

Arctic landscape
northern strata, random tables

The Northern Strata: Adventuring Rumours

A generator for adventuring rumours in the Northern Strata. All of them are true. Adventuring Rumours Adventuring Rumours (1d20 or 1d20/1d20/1d20/1d20) entity action target unforeseen complication 1 Everyone in Thomsbury Fears The sacred pools of Lake Silvaplana But not all who tremble are afraid 2 Captain Gerard Hom  Guards The signs of their lost lover

actual play, arden vul, Old School Essentials

Arden Vul Open Table: Session 2

Stairs and Statues January 18th, 2025 GM: Evil Tables Players: Grimm (Big_Pun) (Dwarf)Brunwolf* (Torchbearer)Salvatore (Jdsull) (Cleric)Meric (Sahdowfax) (Thief)Gemitos (Luminace) (Magic-User)Mikeleos (Saracor) (Druid)Syagria* (Safira) (Fighter) Region: The upper city, one deeper level and a basement.  Rumors: Wizard Tarmis – Secret Tomb in a forest of magic mushrooms Thoth was represented by a white Ibis but that he

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