random tables

northern strata, random tables

The Northern Strata: Wilderness Encounters

The Wilderness Topography: rather than distinct regions, the ephemeral boundaries between things are held in place only through the territorialization of plants and animals.  Snow cover typically lasts 8 months of the year, with nearly year long snow in the mountains. Travel Methods Travel Methods Terrain type Speed – Hexes/day Load (lbs) Cost (gp) Crew […]

northern strata, random tables

The Northern Strata: Adventuring Rumours

A generator for adventuring rumours in the Northern Strata. All of them are true. Adventuring Rumours Adventuring Rumours (1d20 or 1d20/1d20/1d20/1d20) entity action target unforeseen complication 1 Everyone in Thomsbury Fears The sacred pools of Lake Silvaplana But not all who tremble are afraid 2 Captain Gerard Hom  Guards The signs of their lost lover

random tables

36 Shades of Evil

All of Leibniz’s theory of evil is a method to prepare for and to resolve dissonances in a ‘universal harmony.’ A counterexample would be furnished by the damned, whose souls produce a dissonance on a unique note, a breath of vengeance or resentment, a hate of God that goes to infinity; but it is still

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