northern strata, random tables

The Northern Strata: Adventuring Rumours

A generator for adventuring rumours in the Northern Strata. All of them are true. Adventuring Rumours Adventuring Rumours (1d20 or 1d20/1d20/1d20/1d20) entity action target unforeseen complication 1 Everyone in Thomsbury Fears The sacred pools of Lake Silvaplana But not all who tremble are afraid 2 Captain Gerard Hom  Guards The signs of their lost lover […]

actual play, arden vul, Old School Essentials

Arden Vul Open Table: Session 2

Stairs and Statues January 18th, 2025 GM: Evil Tables Players: Grimm (Big_Pun) (Dwarf)Brunwolf* (Torchbearer)Salvatore (Jdsull) (Cleric)Meric (Sahdowfax) (Thief)Gemitos (Luminace) (Magic-User)Mikeleos (Saracor) (Druid)Syagria* (Safira) (Fighter) Region: The upper city, one deeper level and a basement.  Rumors: Wizard Tarmis – Secret Tomb in a forest of magic mushrooms Thoth was represented by a white Ibis but that he

northern strata

The Northern Strata: Background and Factions

Introduction Background Far above the Empty Center, two weeks’ trek by wagon ride from the Keep of Squares, marked only by a feeble line of scraggy brush, lies the serrated edge of the Northern Strata. No two strata imitate each other–they are each the judgment of gods.  Six hundred years ago, the gods were all

northern strata

The Northern Strata: Gygax 75 Challenge Week 1

Out of the window,I saw how the planets gatheredLike the leaves themselvesTurning in the wind.I saw how the night came,Came striding like the color of the heavy hemlocksI felt afraid.And I remembered the cry of the peacocks. Wallace Stevens, “Domination of Black” This post was a project that was started originally started in 2022, and

actual play, arden vul, Old School Essentials

Arden Vul Open Table: Session 1

After three hard days’ march from the town of Newmarket,the setting sun illuminates a thunderous waterfall pouring downthe fabled cliff face of Arden Vul. Two colossi carved into the cliff tothe right of the waterfall stare stonily across the valley. A twinkle ofsunlight catches on the rocks … is it the spray from the falls?

random tables

36 Shades of Evil

All of Leibniz’s theory of evil is a method to prepare for and to resolve dissonances in a ‘universal harmony.’ A counterexample would be furnished by the damned, whose souls produce a dissonance on a unique note, a breath of vengeance or resentment, a hate of God that goes to infinity; but it is still

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