Dungeon potpourri: Crawlers, Bats, Boots, Grills, Glass, Maps, Scrolls & Keys
Day: 6, Mo/Yr: 4/12 IRL: Feb 1st, 2025
GM: Evil Tables
Players | Broken Head | Incapacitated(for 6? days) |
Feathers [Thief] JdsullMeric [Thief] ShadowfaxGrim [Fighter] Big_Pun Agoston [Magic-U] DC NPC:Brunwolf* [Torchbearer] | Hektor [Fighter] SaracorGemistos [Magic-U] Luminance NPC:Lankios [Retired paladin]Khronos and Estelle [Keepers] | Salvatore [Cleric] JdsullMikeleos [Druid] Saracor |
Adventure Notes:
The party struck out for the “Bat House” to the west of the great mesoamerican style pyramid in the morning. We hear grinding sounds coming from the east as we approach the now familiar stairs to the south that take us below the Ruins (A). We head straight back to the Sludge pool room with the orange tiles on the walls. The sludge is concentrated in the center of the pool having a similar consistency to Molasses (B). Grim seems obsessed with the pool’s contents and is anxious to quaff some down at the earliest opportunity. From there we proceed south to a yet unexplored room (C) circumnavigating the annoying three monkey arcade which left us speechless with annoyance on our last expedition (D). Although, we have hatched a plan to foil the arcade Monkeys we are saving for a later date.
In room (C) we find a black pot roasting over some dying coals above which is hanging a Grill that seems to generate its own heat magically (eat your heart out George Foreman). On the pot, scratched in charcoal is the word “Gruel”. Stirring with a sword though the foul smelling recipe we find rotting vegetables and bones. Searching the room further we find numerous prizes: a large uncut diamond (1500GP), a silver Ankh key (our second one of these) , a Cleric scroll, a Magic User scroll, a precisely made 8x8in green plate of glass whose purpose we later discover (see below) and a golden key (which comes in handy, see below). Cleric Scroll Spells are: Slow Poison, Cure light wounds, Protection, Dispel magic, Continual light and Find traps. Magic user Scroll Spells are: Spider Climb, Jump and Detect Invisibility.
Circling around West to the next room we find two corpses on the floor (E). One is a female halfling and the second is a bat-like creature, both dead for a while. The Bat-like creature with multiple stab wounds and the Halfling with marks on the neck and the appearance of having all the blood sucked out of her. There is a short sword in a sling nearby. We find a pouch on the halfling with a note in Arcane(?) reading: “Use the little pyramid to access the howling caves”.
We go back to the East and listen at the next room’s door (F) and hear something slithering. Thinking of the poisonous Centipedes, and their avoidance of vegetables, we go back to the magic-grill room (C ) to fetch the pot of “Gruel”. Pouring this towards what we now discover is a 9 foot long centipede does litter to deter it. We engage the Centipede with Sword, Sling and bow managing to finish it with a final shot of the sling. Our “night-wind” spear did not draw blood. A search of the room yields some chain mail, a long sword, gold (18p), silver (37p)and a pouch containing a map with interesting notations (F+: traps and bodies?). There is a hole in the north wall right-sized for the dwarf. He crawls through to the next room (G) while the rest of the party uses the working door
This room has rubble on the east side from a recent collapse. In the rubble we discover a pair of legs sticking out, one bare, the other still possessing a fine leather boot (Magical). The legs appear to be owned by a very tall and slender being perhaps an elf. We leave the accident scene without further digging as the structure in this area appears quite unstable.
The Adjacent room (H) is the bat-room we have been anticipating (bat noises have been emanating from this direction since we came below the ruins). We see a fireplace with the chimney climbed down by the dwarf days earlier. In addition to guano on the floor there is a line-stain of vegetable gruel on the floor (Keeping the bats at bay like the centipedes?) and an interesting paved circle in the north east corner. Within the circle are six 8×8” squares in a line that look like they will fit our green glass artifact. We try the glass in (on?) one and are greeted with a brief shimmering as we place it (this must be its home). We keep the green 8×8” glass with us for now.
There is a door on the south wall of this room leading to a room containing 4 large stone vats (J). Before investigating we search for a secret door to explain the missing area undiscovered in the middle of our map. We find a key-hole to which our golden key fits and behind a secret door a room with a large skeleton and four dog-like companions (also skeletons) who immediately charge for us so we close and lock the door with our key (I). We also saw a fireplace on the east wall and a chair in which the skeleton was sitting.
Finally, returning to the vats (J) and testing each we discover the contents to be as follows: 1) Water, 2) rancid olive-type oil, 3) Empty, 4) Oil-type substance (Lamp oil?)
Scribe: Shadowfax (irl: John H)