The Northern Strata: Wilderness Encounters

The Wilderness

Topography: rather than distinct regions, the ephemeral boundaries between things are held in place only through the territorialization of plants and animals. 

Snow cover typically lasts 8 months of the year, with nearly year long snow in the mountains.

Travel Methods

Travel MethodsTerrain typeSpeed – Hexes/dayLoad (lbs)Cost (gp)Crew
FootAll non-snow4/3/2/140/60/80/120 n/an/a
HandcartRoad, plains, light forest1200501 driver
CartRoad, plains, light forest24001001 driver, 2 draft animals
WagonRoad, plains, light forest22500200 1 driver, 2 draft animals
Dogsled (small)Snow, ice4 (snow)6001001–2 people, 4–6 dogs
Dogsled (racing)Snow, ice6 (snow)8004001–2 people, 8–12 dogs
TobogganSnow, ice6 (snow, downhill), 3 (flat)3,000501 person  or 1 animal
PulkSnow, ice2 (snow)2,000251 person (unencumbered)


  • Travelling an established road increases travel speed by 50%.
  • Travelling on snow by foot without snowshoes occurs at ⅛ speed in mountains, ¼ speed in forest and hills, ½ speed in plains


Weather (1d6+1 in winter, 2d6 in fall/spring, 1d6+4 summer)
2Anomalous (see Anomalous Weather)
4Snow & sleet
6Light snow
8Cool & cloudy
9Crisp & sunny
10Mild thaw
11Bright & clear
12Warm spell
Wind (1d6 or 1d6/1d6)
1Strong windsHowling, mad
2Occasional gustsHungry, intense
3Strong breezeCutting, anomalous
4Light breezeSelf-contradictory
5CurrentsShimmering, full
6StillUneasy, quiet
Anomalous Weather (1d6/1d6)
1AuroraPhantasmal, ancient
2LightningFrozen, swirling
3EclipseTemporal, metallic
4QuakeSonic, black
5GaleWhispering, extreme
6StormTranscendent, displaced

General time-frames for survival:

Wet <10 minutes10-30 minutes
Exposed1 hour3-6 hours
Mild exposure4-6 hours 1-2 days

When exposed to strong winds, these time frames are reduced by 50%. At the end of these timeframes, a player is allowed a single Save versus Cold (see Saving Throws). If not passed, they will die. If passed, roll on the following table for outcomes:

Cold Survival Outcomes (1d6)
2Extreme frostbite, spiraling patterns formed beneath dead skin
3Lost memories, attempts to recall them are met with words of an unknown language
4Lingering chill, the cold whispers
5New drives, obsession with what lies below
6Increased strength, uncomfortable around fire, skin hardened to form protective shell

Wilderness Encounters

Smooth Plains
1Anomalous (see Anomalous Encounters)
2Exiled geometer-noble
4Elves (2d12, see Elf Encounters)
5Dwarven expedition (5d8, see Dwarf Encounters)
6-10Moss merchants heading to/from forest
11-18Human pilgrim cultists (1d20)
19-28Humans (1d6, see Human Encounters)
29-34Scholar (with 1d6 assistants, area of study 1. Geology, 2. Metaphysics, 3. Astronomy, 4. Linguistics, 5. Ethics, 6. Natural history)
35-39Snow patrol (local guard, 1d6 soldiers with 2d4 hounds)
40-46Wolves (2d6)
47-49Migrating deer (2d20)
50-54Hawks (1d3)
55-64Hazard (see Travel Hazards)
64-100No encounter

Every 12 hours, an encounter roll should be made. Use location, reaction, and surprise

(De) Forests
1Anomalous (see Anomalous Encounters)
2Hermit logician
3Wyvern (1d4)
4Scholar (with 1d6 assistants, area of study 1. Herbalism, 2. Rootcraft, 3. Bestiology, 4. Anthropology, 5. Anatomy, 6. Gnosiology)
5-6Dwarves (see Dwarf Encounters)
7-12Elves (2d12, see Elf Encounters)
13-20Moss Merchants harvesting letch
21-24Humans (1d6, see Human Encounters)
25-28Grizzly bear (1d4)
29-38Gnolls (3d6)
39-46Wolves (4d6)
47-51Deer (3d10)
51-54Moose (3d10)
55-70Hazard (see Travel Hazards)
71-100No encounter
Black Hills
1Anomalous (see Anomalous Encounters)
3-4Necromancer (50% chance accompanied by 1 zombie troll, 3d10 skeletons, and 2d8 ghouls)
5Scholar (with 1d6 assistants, area of study 1. Necrography, 2. Cosmology, 3. Occultism, 4. Ethnography, 5. Ruinology, 6. Lithomancy)
6Dwarves (see Dwarf Encounters)
7Elves (2d12, see Elf Encounters)
8-9Humans (1d6, see Human Encounters)
10-13Trolls (1d8)
14-16Zombie Trolls (1d4)
17-24Skeletons (3d10)
25-34Ghouls (2d8)
35-38Wights (1d6)
39-44Hawk, Giant (1d3)
45-57Hazard (see Travel Hazards)
58-100No Encounter
Unholy Mountains
1-3Anomalous (see Anomalous Encounters)
6-7Frost giant
8-9Cave bears (1d2)
10-11Scholar (with 1d6 assistants, area of study 1. Geomancy, 2. Apocalyptic theory, 3. Astronomy, 4. Demonology, 5. Mythology, 6. History)
12-14Logician cultists (1d20)
15-22Dwarves (see Dwarf Encounters)
23Elves (2d12, see Elf Encounters)
24-25Humans (1d6, see Human Encounters)
26-27Expedition party (1d6)
28-29Giant hawk (1d3)
30-31Winter wolves (2d4)
32-36Dire wolves (2d4)
37-44Frost gnolls (3d6, 3HD each)
45-64Hazard (see Travel Hazards)
65-100No encounter
Travel Hazards (1d12or 1d12/1d12)
1Unstable ice/surfaceInjury
2Rocky groundInjured animals
3Whiteout conditionsLost direction
4Sudden windItems post
5Sudden weatherNo suitable campsite
6Sudden blizzardExposure
8Water sourceDetour required
9Steep elevation upwardsExhausted animals
10Steep elevation downwardsBroken vehicle
11Path blockedBurial alive
12Deep chasmDeath
Dwarf Encounters
1d12Dwarven ProfessionDwarven DetailsDwarven Misfortunes
1ArcheologistDesires deptColossal debt
2ArchitectDishonest about pastExiled from union
3Assistant MinterEats only plantsFails to budget
4Risk Assessment ExpertLeads by exampleFears large open spaces
5DungeonographerMicromanagers othersHolds second job
6Gem SpecialistObsessed with productivityLacks sense of project scope
7Interior DecoratorReads diamondsPoor sense of direction
8Mining StudentReforming oven designPoor track record of completion
9Project ManagerSpecializes in trapsRepeatedly exceeds deadlines
10Safety ConsultantTea enthusiastStruggles with maps
11Tour guideLoves warm bathsFinds work unfulfilling
12SurveyorUnderestimates hazardsSuffering from reversion
Elf Encounters
1d12Elven ProfessionElven DetailsElven Misfortunes
1ChartkeeperDifferentiates lines of inheritanceAffinity for circles
2DifferentiatorEndlessly classifies new phenomenaDraws lines that are crooked
3BotanistDesires completionAccused of breaking inheritance
4GeomancerFears internal divisionExcessive emotional clarify
5Keeper of TablesHates the concept of “nature”Hunted by publishers
6Keeper of Trees“Forgives” the humansMemories of ancient evil
7Marriage CounselorMaintains mental libraryPoor analytical judgment
8Root ReaderPlays with firePoor calculator
9ScoutReads treatises on nomenclatureProne to paradox
10Scribe of BranchesRespected by communityStruggles with recollection
11TaxonomistSpecialist in set theoryFinds work unfulfilling
12IllustratorFriend of wizardsHand tremors
Human Encounters
1d20Human ProfessionsHuman DetailsHuman Misfortunes
1AlchemistAbstains from psychedelicsAccursed luck
2BookbinderAt-home surgeonCreeping nihilism
3BrigandDesires annihilationDiscredited research
4ClericExperiments with rocksEldritch trauma
5CultistFears encyclopediasExtremely famous
6Deer HerderFormerly retiredFamily still alive
7MapperFriend of wolvesForsaken by nobility
8AdventurerGood with numbersInjured in sledding accident
9ExplorerHates preachersLost former wealth
10GeomancerJealous of adventuresMourning death of past god
11Ice FisherLooking to investObsession with poetry
12Geometer KnightTrained in set theoryFinds work unfulfilling
13MerchantFriend of wizardsHand tremors
14NobleQuick to make friendshipsRecently demoted
15PhilosopherReads adventuring novelsRefuted by philosopher
16SeafarerRushes to conclusionsSeasonal depression
17SoldierScared of treesSuffering from reversion
18TrackerSeeks financial gainTarget of blackmail
19TrapperUnfriendly eyesWanted criminal
20WitchWell-versed in alcoholWitness to cosmic knowledge

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