Author name: EvilTables

actual play, Old School Essentials

Arden Vul Open Table: Session 1

After three hard days’ march from the town of Newmarket,the setting sun illuminates a thunderous waterfall pouring downthe fabled cliff face of Arden Vul. Two colossi carved into the cliff tothe right of the waterfall stare stonily across the valley. A twinkle ofsunlight catches on the rocks … is it the spray from the falls? […]

random tables

36 Shades of Evil

All of Leibniz’s theory of evil is a method to prepare for and to resolve dissonances in a ‘universal harmony.’ A counterexample would be furnished by the damned, whose souls produce a dissonance on a unique note, a breath of vengeance or resentment, a hate of God that goes to infinity; but it is still

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